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Out and about in the UK with Ali and Hoover Page. Also known as Out With Hooves!

Tag Archives: glade

The Spectacular Deer Rut at Bushy Park in Hampton, London

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The Spectacular Deer Rut at Bushy Park in Hampton, London is a sight to behold so last Saturday Hoover and I thought we’d head towards The Big Smoke for a change to visit the Royal Park and see the spectacle for ourselves.  London is an area we’d usually avoid as for us it conjures up images of …


A Dog Walk in Warfield Woods, Hare Hatch

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I had a meeting with a client over in the Warfield direction this morning so Hooves and I used it as an excuse to explore some reasonably local yet unchartered territory, and so we headed for a dog walk in Warfield Woods, Hare Hatch.  It was one of those early Autumn mornings that look most unappealing when you look …
