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Out and about in the UK with Ali and Hoover Page. Also known as Out With Hooves!

Our Story

Hoover and Ali

My name is Ali Page.  I spend a lot of my time being what has become known among my friends as Out With Hooves, or OWH for short…Hooves being the nickname of my four-legged friend Hoover.  We get to all sorts of places in the UK, and love nothing more than finding an unexpected view, or a secluded spot to stop and smell the roses, and we’d like to share our adventures with you and your doggy friends.  Now, the word ‘adventure’ might give you the impression that we are scaling great heights, or traversing vast distances, so I apologise in advance if you feel misled.  Our ‘adventures’ are far more moderate:  backpacks and hiking boots are generally not needed…cameras and poo bags probably are!  Hoover is a big chap so hiking for miles and miles isn’t for him, but being out and about in our green and pleasant land most definitely is.

Our ramblings, both written and physical may appear tame if compared to all those fantastic walking blogs that are out there, but we hope to introduce you to doggy-friendly places to walk, rest and eat.  We are always looking for places where Hoover can run free without disturbing others, where we can grab a coffee (for me) and a bowl of water (for him), where we can stay for a night or a week, and where we can be ourselves and please ourselves.  Many of our walks are in and around Berkshire and the surrounding counties as this is where we live, but we love to holiday in the UK and we have a list as long as his tail (so that’s a pretty long list!) of places we’d like to go.

I have always loved being out with my dog, and over the years I have seen lots of lovely places.   In the early days it was Hugo, my black Labrador that put the smile on my face and the spring in my step, but nature took it’s course and Hugo is no more…although he may make an appearance here and there when I look back at places he and I went to together.  These days my best times are spent with the most affable Hoover Page…and I can’t think of a better hound to be with…

So this is where we begin….

Map of Our Adventures
